Anything you write here is totally voluntary, so please only include details you’re comfortable to share. And while this is entirely anonymous, we ask that you consider including your age, grade, and gender — as this helps us in our research. Please note that although not all submissions appear on our site, we promise that every story is heard. If you would like to hear back from us, please leave your email. Thank you for sharing!
Letters from thousands
of students sharing
‘Things I wish my parents knew…’
Below are some of the letters we have received.
Unedited straight from students across North America.
What are things you wish your parents knew?
‘Things I wish my parents knew…’
Giving students a platform
We have created a platform for students to share their thoughts, struggles and wisdom. This has allowed us to help parents, teachers and influencers gain a better understanding of the challenges students face everyday.
2,000 + Letters received
Top 7 things Teens wish their parents knew
By collecting all of the student letters, we have developed the ‘Top 7 things I wish my parents knew’. This has allowed us to create content around the most pressing challenges and thoughts students have shared with us. Our goal is to help parents and students better connect!
We are passionate about inspiring the next generation!
Learn more about ‘Why’ we are passionate and about our ‘ALL IN’ Events.